About Ralph

 Gooday to all of you! My name is Ralph Justine Bolido. I am a 16 years old and I am a Filipino Citizen from Brgy.Mongpong Roxas City. I graduated my Elementary School from PMRMIS-South while for my Junior Highschool I graduated from Capiz National Highschool, and currently I am a Senior Highschool student from Capiz National Highschool. Sorry for the long introduction! But now we will learn about who I am and what my hobbies are from the past and all the way up to the present day.

here is a picture of myself so you will have an idea of how I look



Myself through the Years

Past Me

In the past I was a really friendly and energetic kid,  I would always be with my friends playing right after class and having fun with them, yet at time also I was so unproductive, I would avoid my chores and choose to do my assignments right before the due date. Although being friendly, it was hard for me to find new friends because of my shyness which caused me trouble to socialize with new people. I am a really slow-learner most of the time yet when learning something that I have my interest on I learn a lot quicker.


Present Me

Well, here we are now, the present me. I have changed a lot through the years, I have matured a lot through the hardships of life and growing up, these hardships were really tough but I managed to overcome them and grow as a person. I certainly have a different perspective and approach to this world now compared to years ago.  I can say with confidence that I am a lot more productive now, I take care of myself, do the chores assigned to me, yet I still kind of procrastinate from time to time. Socializing is still hard for me, I am still socially-awkward with new people but I have improved in starting and joining conversations. Lastly I have developed hobbies through the passing of years and I still enjoy quite a few of them. 

My Family

 Here is my wonderful family. My mother's name is Jovie H. Bolido she is 49 years old and she is working as a nurse at Capiz Doctor's Hospital. I am so thankful to my mother because she is so loving and caring, she has treated and raised me so well through the years and supported me through out my entire life, she has sacrificed so much for our family to be happy so I really wish that I can repay her for everything when I get older. My father's name is Randy B. Bolido he is 52 years old and is working at Carol's Square Plaza as a salesman. My father has given me many lessons and advices that helped me develop as a person, like my mother he has always supported me through my life.


My Hobbies and Interest

1. Playing Basketball

    I started playing this game when I was about 7 and I still play up until this day. It is such a competitive sport especially here in the Philippines, although being so competitive it is also so fun at the same time.  I love playing this game so much because its not only about speed and strength, it also requires the mind to work in order to come up with plays and strategies in order to take control of the game.

2. Cycling


I started Cycling around December of 2021, it really helped me get into a much better shape than before. It is such a relaxing and fun hobby, being able to travel far distances with 0 cost is amazing and the scenes that you get to view while traveling is just magnificent. 

3. Going to the Gym

I recently started going to the gym, I decided to start going because I want to have a better physique and  so that I can have a better lifestyle.

4. Playing Videogames 

 I  got into videogames because of a childhood friend that invited me to go play in a computer shop and ever since then I've been playing, it is such a fun way to pass time but sometimes it can get a bit too competitive. I have been mainly playing Valorant and Roblox since 2020.

5. PC Building
  I have been fond of computers ever since I started playing videogames, so I started watching computers being built and setups being made because it is just so satisfying and cool. There are so much ways you can build a PC and that is why I am so into them.

